News — steven tyler
addiction Alcoholics Anonymous meditations prince recovery Sandy Beach AA Speaker spiritual steven tyler
At long last the second and last volume of Dear Friend will be available. Sandy wrote just enough "letters" to complete this additional volume of weekly meditations. As with the first book each reading has a page on which to journal. Hope you all like the cover. I ran a contest of cover choices on Facebook and this was the winning design. Thank you to all who took part in the contest.
Happy New Year 2016
AA 80th Convention Alcoholics Anonymous book reviews rally to face addiction recovery Sandy Beach AA Speaker Sessions by the Sea sober Steps & Stories steven tyler
News - Steps & Stories now available in Kindle through Amazon Coming in March - Dear Friend II 2015 has been an amazing year for me on so many levels. I've found myself fully engaged back in book publishing after a 20 year hiatus. I had not realized that publishing Dear Friend as a gift for my cousin, Sandy, for his 50th anniversary (12/7/14) would launch me back into a career I loved and had not realized how much I had missed. The first six months of the year was busy time readying Steps & Stories for publication in...
Unite to Face Addiction rally Washington Mall 10/4/15
Alcoholics Anonymous joe walsh rally to face addiction recovery sober steven tyler
Yes! there is HOPE. The rally last Sunday on the Washington Mall was inspiring. More that 20,000 people gathered to listen to talks by Greg William, Michael Botticelli, Dr. Murthy US Surgeon General, Steven Tyler, Cheryl Crow, Joe Walsh and others. The many stories of tragic personal loss were as sad as the stories of recovery hopeful. The important work to raise awareness about addiction and to redirect addiction efforts from prisons to treatment created a sense of hope for many in attendance. It is my hope that the efforts keep moving forward no that the event is over. I...